
CNC Machining & Prototype Design

Fabtec Co.

Shockingly smart!


Owners: Kirk & David Spiegel

Fabtec Co. was established in 1990. Fabtec provides CNC machining services and small part injection molding for the aerospace and medical industries. Fabtec has provided parts as varied as check valves for LVAD artificial heart pumps and support equipment for the Mars Rover Camera Systems.

Address: 874 Via Esteban, Suite A., San Luis Obispo, CA. 93401

Contact: Kirk at 805.459.3760

Email: kspie@charter.net

Kirk Spiegel graduated from Cal Poly with a B.S.M.E. Kirk went on to work for the Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International for 32 years designing propulsion systems for various rocket systems. Also consulted for Lawrence Livermore Natl. Labs on the Nat. Ignition Facility (NIF) program. Kirk is a private pilot/aircraft owner and certified diver.

David Spiegel graduated from Cal Poly with a B.S.C.E. with a P.E. in structural engineering. David is a pilot/aircraft owner and certified diver.



NASA Tech Brief 1. “Electron Beam Sharp Focus Detector 2. “Stretch Bolt Ultrasonic Holder Mount” 3. “Diffusion Bonded Foil Patch Repair for SSME Nozzle Jacket”

Every problem can have multiple solutions. To see them you have to look at the big picture overall. Don’t limit yourself to just one route.